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You are the writer of your life
A personal blog by Hanisa Rahim ♥

Monday, 18 November 2013 


Hanisa Rahim in the house yawww! Hye semua!
Lama dah tak menghadap blog. Takde idea lah nak update apa. 
So, cuti sekolah dah start. Apa plan korang? Ayah aku dah seribu kali tanya apa nak buat.
Aku layan kdramas je uolss. Hahaha. Dari heirs ke i hear your voice, the strange housekeeper, marry him if you dare, secret, jang ok jung and latest to the beautiful you. Haaaaa, amacam? Schedule aku full tau cuti ni.

Aku tak sabar nak tunggu jumaat ni. Mwehehe. Nantikan post aku seterusnya ye. Kbye!

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